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What I'm about

Hi there...I'm glad you've found me!


My name is PJ, wife, mum, personal trainer, group coach, and women's health/fitness enthusiast. And I am here to help you succeed in finding fit in your life, whether it be getting stronger, healthier, faster, or just understanding what your body is about and what you are capable of.


I live in the deep south of New Zealand in the lovely rural community of Gore. Since qualifying, I have continued to upskill as often as possible, particularly in the area of training women through every age and stage of life. Let's face it - we are a complicated, ever-changing species!


The best thing about my amazing clients. I am blessed to have met and worked with incredible women who have taken that first step toward changing their lives. And I am so lucky to be supporting them throughout their journey. Helping clients make gains, big or small, to achieve their goals is very rewarding, but I also love the chance to empower them by educating them in ways they can make these changes themselves. 


I also fully believe in working with other health and wellness providers to ensure every individual's health, fitness and personal wellbeing needs are met with the best approach.


I am lucky to be working in an industry that I am passionate about. When I am not in workout gear, you can find me reading or watching movies, upskilling, listening to 80s music on vinyl, and enjoying time with my family - including my dog Izzy who keeps me moving!


I would love to enable every woman to have the confidence to get out there and start their fitness journey. To believe in themselves and see how easy it is to make positive changes in their lives.


It is wonderful to be part of something, good for the soul to be around likeminded people, and incredibly enabling to be supported by people on the same journey as you are. I have a range of services for women of every age and stage and am currently working on some online options as well. Remember to subscribe to be kept up to date with everything new.


Don't wait for the perfect time to start...there isn't one! Take that first step now. I guarantee you won't look back!

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