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What should I eat post workout?


The right post workout snack can help to optimize your recovery, maximize performance in your next workout, and help you reach your goals. Depending on the time of day you workout, you may be able to fit your usual meal in post-workout but you workout in between meals or are in a pinch here are some quick, easy, and healthy post-workout snack ideas.

But first...why do we need them?

During a workout, the body utilizes stored energy from our muscles, muscle is broken down and damaged, and fluid is lost through perspiration. By restoring the appropriate macronutrients with a healthy post-workout snack or meal, you'll replenish glycogen stores, support muscle recovery and growth, and optimize performance for your next session.

Remember the three R's of recovery in this case are: Refuel, Rehydrate, Repair. After a workout, it is best to consume include carbohydrates, protein, and fluids.


Carbohydrates are the body’s natural form of energy and are stored in our muscles as glycogen. During exercise, glycogen is utilized as fuel and our stores are depleted; the more intense the activity the more glycogen is utilized. By consuming carbohydrates post-workout we are able to more easily replenish stored glycogen and initiate the recovery process. Consuming carbohydrates post-workout is especially important for endurance athletes or athletes who are training for several hours or multiple times per day. Remember to eat good complex carbohydrates such as seeded bread or crackers, fruit, granola, brown rice, oats, to name a few.


Protein post-workout helps to repair and rebuild muscle. Exercise triggers the breakdown of muscle. How much depends on the exercise or workout you do. By consuming protein post-workout, you can help prevent the breakdown of protein. Your individual protein requirements will vary depending on the form of exercise and type of athlete, however, consuming 15 to 25 grams of protein post-work is a good guideline to follow. Examples of protein include eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts, poultry, seafood, meat, and protein powder.


Consuming water or hydration drinks post-workout helps to replenish the body with fluids lost through perspiration during exercise. For the average gymgoer, you should consume water post-workout, as well as before and during. Remember that you can consume fluid through beverages and fresh fruit and vegetables.


When should I consume my post-workout snack?

This varies depending on your workout intensity and length however, I would recommend eating your planned snack within an hour of finishing your workout.


A handful of snack ideas...

Here is a small selection of snacks you might like to try or mix and match your own with foods you like. Just remember to stick to the macronutrient requirements.

I also enjoy nut butter & apple, a protein bar, chocolate milk, shredded cooked chicken, a handful of almonds and fruit. And these are just a few. Comment with your favourite post workout snacks and grow the list for others to enjoy!


Note: if you are on a specific diet given to you from a nutritionist or dietician, please take that into account when planning your post workout snacks. These guidelines are not intended to override any specific dietary requirements you may have.

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